Thursday 18 April 2013

Day Out and About

So today we went around a bit. Baby can be real unpredictable in the time she'll be okay, the next she'll be fussy. Pretty much all up today we were travelling quite a bit. I'm surprised she even got some sleep, because usually when we are out she hardly sleeps.

We dropped her Dad off at work then gave her grandparents a visit, I had an appointment so we went to that, then we payed a visit to her Aunty before picking her Dad up from work and heading home, so, pretty busy day. She wasn't that fussy today, surprisingly. Yesterday she was real fussy despite the fact we were home all day.

That's about it for the day....

I was thinking though, about when she was first born, I probably should have woken her up for feeds during the day, because she would sleep for hours on end during the day, and at night she was so fussy. Anyway, that was just a random thought.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Sleep Depravation

Decided to start blogging about the daily life of mother-hood, well my experience in being a mother.

Today sleep depravation caught up with me, considering I haven't had a full nights rest since baby was born which was over four months ago, its not really surprising. Though my Husband would be more than happy to take over a couple of nights so I can get some sleep, he can't because our baby is breast fed.

That is something else other Mothers should really know about. I've heard so much talk about your breast milk running out blah blah. Your breast milk supply completely depends on how much your baby is taking. The more your baby eats, the more your breast milk supply will be.

After I gave birth, it was soon Christmas and I had a few drinks, so what I did was I put my baby on formula and I pumped every two hours...and from the time I stopped drinking I gave it 24 hours from there until I could feed her again while constantly still pumping and dumping milk. When I could feed her again I think my supply went down a bit but I kept at it. I let her eat as much as she wanted and for as long as she wanted because I knew the milk supply would come in. Also I spoke to a breast feeding expert in the hospital and she said that is where a lot of mothers go wrong. Mothers think they don't have enough milk so they give their baby formula and end up weening their baby onto formula.

Anyway back onto today, I was real tired because last night baby was up for ages from about 12am and she was real fussy, so we ended up having to bath her and reading a book to her in order for her to sleep. I try to go to sleep as early as I can so I can get up at 5:30am to go to the gym before my husband goes to work.

So pretty much I didn't end up going to the gym, I had a bad headache and felt like complete shit. So I stayed in bed and went to sleep. Of course I woke up feeling so much better. But my day was pretty much wasted because of how tired I was. I'm just glad that stupid headache is gone.

In general today baby was pretty fussy, I'm pretty sure she's teething because she's not usually this fussy, either that or she's just getting older and needs more entertainment. She's staring to cry for things, like my phone lol. I showed her how to splash water when she has a bath and she loves it now. It's lovely to watch her grow up. Im excited for every single step she takes in the process.

Her sleeping patterns aren't very good though, they're very irregular at the moment. I'm trying to set a routine but with everyday life it's a bit hard. She still can't sleep through the night, she still wakes up for feeding. I hope it's not a habit. I can not wait until she does sleep through the night though. I'll be heading back to Uni in the next month so it would be really good if she would sleep through the night.

Sunday 4 November 2012


It has become apparent

That you can not rely on family

You can only rely on yourself

Family is thought to be relied on

Simply because they're family


Wednesday 17 October 2012

Used and Bruised .... Appreciate

When you have someone sucking the life out of you

You are supposed to get away from them

But what if this someone is your Mother?

What if this someone is your Father?

What if this someone is your life time partner?

Your sister!

Your brother!

I am yet to find the answer!


When you can't get what you want

Think for a second

How much will this thing that I want

Affect me in the near future?

So maybe I really want it

But if I don't have it later

I probably would forget about it



Monday 15 October 2012

Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

Been making decisions my whole life

Decisions you make will affect anyone

 Who loves and cares for you

But you must remember

That the person who will be affected the most

By your decision

Is yourself!

People might not be happy with it

But as long as you are

Go for it!

Your life is lived by you

So live it for you and what you believe in!

Sunday 14 October 2012

Can't trust you =)

People taking advantage of other people

Just remember

What goes around

Comes around

Your lies and deceit

Have taught me not to trust you

I have love for you

But no trust

This can apply to anyone

From family to friends

Bottom line

Family will always be there

Friends might not

It doesn't make either safe

From being untrustworthy

Tuesday 9 October 2012



  • Junk Foods
  • Corn (Anything with corn ingredient)
  • Soy 
  • Canola 
  • Sugar Beets
Go for organics =)
